RW SGC De Bliss Yogurt of Glamourcattery
Best Sphynx cat in GL Region 2016-2017,
5th Best Sphynx cat in the World 2016-2017,
2nd Best black and white Sphynx cat in the World 2016-2017
Black and white / 08.08.2015
{ Male }
HCM scan: November 2016 - Negative,
Cardiologist DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Dr. Renee D. Riepe
HCM scan: August 2017 - Negative
Cardiologist DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Dr. Renee D. Riepe
CH Vintage Dakota of Glamourcattery
Best blue point Sphynx in GL Region 2015 -2016
2nd Best Sphynx Cat in GL Region 2015 - 2016
Blue Point / 12.17.2014
{ Female / spayed }
HCM scan: April 2016 - Mild positive (False result)
Cardiologist DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Dr. Luethy
HCM scan: February 2017 - Negative
Cardiologist DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Dr. Renee D. Riepe
HCM scan: October 2017 - Negative
Cardiologist DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Dr. Renee D. Riepe
RW QGC Glamourcattery Cosmo
Best Sphynx kitten in GL Region 2017-2018
Best Sphynx Cat in GL Region 2017-2018
3rd Best Sphynx Kitten in the world 2017-2018
Black and white / 04.23.2017
{ Male }
Glamourcattery Artyomka​
Seal mink and white / 10.14.2016
{ Male }
HCM scan: October 2017 - Negative
Cardiologist DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Dr. Renee D. Riepe
RW TGC De Bliss Bree-Ana of Glamourcattery
Best Sphynx kitten in GL Region 2016-2017,
2nd Best Sphynx cat in GL Region 2016-2017,
Best seal point and white Sphynx cat in the World 2016-2017
Seal point and white / 04.19.2016
{ Female }
HCM scan: February 2017 - Negative
Cardiologist DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Dr. Renee D. Riepe
HCM scan: August 2017 - Negative
Cardiologist DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Dr. Renee D. Riepe
Nostalgie Penochka of Glamourcattery
Seal mink and white / 01.11.2016
{ Female }
HCM scan: November 2016 - Negative
Cardiologist DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Dr. Renee D. Riepe
HCM scan: October 2017 - Negative
Cardiologist DVM, Diplomate ACVIM Dr. Renee D. Riepe